See what my customers have to say about doing business

Dear Chris Nandell Flint,
This 'letter' is long over due! I want to thank you for your book "Trade Secrets And Methods Of A Model Horse Artist".
For just about as long as I can remember I have wanted to 'work for Breyer', so I've always tinkered with model horses. I became interested in CMing in the early oughts; I believe my first CM was an old LP that I painted Appy with a few colors of spray paint! I received a copy of Trade Secrets from my parents in 2007 (copy number 83) & it really did change my life! By that time I wanted to be a professional model horses artist; your book has helped me achieve my goal!
I have now had horses top ten at NAN (hopin' for cookies this year!) & win my first reserve at BF for their proud mamas, as well as take home numerous Overalls at many live shows including at a show this past Saturday.
It has taken me nearly a decade to thank you for sharing your knowledge. THANK YOU! Without the kindness of model horse artists like you I would not be where I am today; a LSQ proven professional model horse painter, customizer, & sculptor. My dream come true! I am now passing on this 'legacy' of sorts to others by sharing what I know. What an honor to have folks ask my techniques & advice!
Thank you again for your wonderful book! You have no idea how many times I have suggested it to others.
Yours truly,
~ Carissa Kirksey

Willie arrived perfectly safely, thanks to your fantastic packing job! He was already amazing in his photos, but in person he's even more outstanding. The Willie Delight is one of my all-time favorite resins, and to me, Willie Gone Wild has just always stood out as the brightest star in your constellation of great ones! Not only is his pattern a jaw-dropper, but the little "scars" in his roan coat are the perfect touch of realism, and you paint the best blue eyes in the business! I love this guy, and am so grateful to you for parting with him and allowing me time payments. Thank you so much again, Chris!
-Ardith C.

HE IS SIMPLY DIVINE. He is easily the coolest Bacchus I have ever seen. I feel so so so lucky because from day one I knew what I wanted Bacchus to look like and he waited around for 2 years until I found you! And GOODNESS am I thankful that I did wait, because you brought every inch of him to life. Honestly I have never been quite so pleased with a commissioned piece, and that is saying so VERY much. Everything about his is just flawless and his expression looks so sweet and genuine. AND YOU PLACED THOSE KISSY SPOTS OH SO PERFECTLY.
And as I mentioned before, that bay is just to die for. Its so rich and colorful- he sure is in excellent health! And the dapples are so subtle and pertly suited to a hunk like him.
AND those back socks, my GOODNESS. That big bald face just makes me so happy, and his 'eyeliner' is so so lovely and adds so much to his expression. OH man, he is such a king!
I so appreciate you putting so much time into him, and your meticulous attention to detail. You brought my dream to life, you truly did!
Looking at his pictures fills me with joy! You have quite certainly made my week.
Thank you for everything you have done, your work is above and beyond all expectation.
Haleigh P.

He's Here He's Here He's Here! He arrived today safe and sound! All I can say is - WOW! His color is so soft and velvety - I just want to give him a big ol' hug! Thank you SO much!
Jackie M.

He's here! I'm just catching my breath now, I'm serious!
He is amazing, beautiful and my absolute favorite model! I will probably be doing a lot less cleaning because I will always be staring at him, LOL. He, of course, qualified to be in my glass case with the special babies. He is traveling to Breyerfest in july and his name will be "Born to Be Wild" like the good classic song from the time period I grew up in. I love him and he will have a very good home and again, I thank you for doing such an amazing job. I am honored to have a model that has your name on it.

The model arrived and she looks amazing! Thank you so much, I can't wait to show her. Looking forward to having you do another sometime soon I hope. She looks so amazing I can't stop looking at her!!!!!!!!!
Thanks again,

Jackie shared with me some pictures of her Heritage resin that you painted into a beautiful classic bay - he is gorgeous! I'm so excited to see a sculpture of mine being brought to life by an artist whose work I have admired for so long!
I will be adding a gallery of painted Heritages to my website and wanted to ask if you would be okay with me adding photos of your bay to it?
Emilia K.

She arrived safely and she is GORGEOUS! Absolutely PERFECT and everything I wanted. Thank you for doing such a wonderful job with her. I will definitely have another horse for you in the winter... just trying to figure out when to slot her in. I will keep you updated on her show career. Hopefully she'll be another addition to your Hall of Fame.
Colleen M.

I want to thank you again for sharing your knowledge with us newbees!!! It is because of you that I am slowly learning! I just finished the base work of this model tonight and will "dry dapple" it tomorrow night! Still have all the detail work but it is only my 7th model.... thank you sooo much again! Words really cannot express my thanks to you! You are such an inspiration!!!
Signe S.

I just got your book today and I am thrilled with it! The photos and text go perfectly together. I can only imagine what a monumental effort getting it all together was.
I am retired, and am currently finishing up an extra-large fiberglass/resin reproduction of a hand carved Victorian rocking horse, complete with 7' 'bow' rockers. You've given me the confidence to at least toy with the idea of doing realistic dapples on her! When done, I'm looking forward to much smaller scale work.
I also really like how one can open the book to a certain page and then lay it down flat on the table, so one can reference it WHILE one is working.
Thank you so much!
Mary S.

Finally, today was the GREAT day when I was able to pick up Rose and Rosita at the customs office here in Berlin! Both made it SAFE and SOUND (THANKS to your georgious packing!!!) and I LOOOOOOOOOVE them SOOOOOO very much!
Chris, you can not have the slightest idea of HOW HAPPY and how grateful I am!!!!! If you were here, you'd have to endure I would hug you very solid and give you 1,000 kisses, LOL!
T H A N K Y O U, Chris !!!!!!!!
Vera (most grateful!)

Beautiful! Just what I envisioned! Love the color and the detail on those
Thank you Chris! Kellye B.

Wow! Just WOW!!!! The color looked good in the pics, but in person, it's just wow!
Thank you so much!
Christie P.

Your beautiful Arab mare arrived safe and sound and I’m very pleased with her.
She is so gorgeous… You did a great job on her… I’m thrilled.
I also wanted to thank you for packing her so well and carefully for the long trip over the big pond…. I appreciate that very much and don’t take it for granted.
Thank you so much for selling her to me and for making this transaction so smooth and pleasant.
All the best from Switzerland,
Andrea B.

At long last, he's arrived home. I can't describe to you the level of emotions I felt opening this box and unwrapping the horse inside. This is the *first* piece I have ever commissioned for myself.
Chris-- unwrapping him near brought me to tears. He is exactly as I hoped he would be... now brought into reality. He showcases everything I tried so hard to incorporate into the sculpture. He is perfect. His face and his eyes say everything.
Thank you so much; I don't have the words.
Thank you again,
Liesl D.

He is fabulous! I cannot thank you enough for this pony. You have captured him in everyway. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
Oh and did I say Thank you!?!
Patricia M.

"I'm so glad I picked you to paint him! He's better than I dreamed. You are a true artist! He's stunning!
Lynda G.

All I can say is "WOW"!!! She's everything I was hoping for and then some. Absolutely gorgeous! I can't thank you enough!
Thanks again!
Denise S.

STUNNING! Doesn’t quite cover it! Your paintwork is simply glorious. I am so excited to see him in person, I can't stand it.
Thank you,
Deborah M.

Thank you Chris! I love the mold (and breed!) and I love your work especially!
I have an older ISH custom of yours I picked up off eBay a few years ago for a steal and he has won high honors at NAN in 2008 (Paint Champ) and 2010 (Paint Res. Champ). I love this guy! I am also still showing my First Class whom I bought direct from you waaaay back (one of my first resin purchases) and he has earned so many NAN cards that NAMHSA's merit awards don't go high enough LOL

Just magical! Also I wanted to thank you as a creative artist! Your work is gorgeous & I have long admired it from afar. I am so very happy you got to go to Breyerfest this year & that you are so open to sharing & caring!
God bless you!
Debbie in Arlington, TX.

I purchased a Lirico second hand that Chris had painted. As I unwrapped this well wrapped guy I dropped him! He broke his foot clean off! I was practically in tears.
Chris had me send him to her and for a nominal amount she fixed him better than new and shipped him back so quickly! You could never tell he was broken! I am so impressed with her professionalism and dedication to her art and her admirers.
This is my first Nandell piece and I am honored to have him. Chris, how did you get him done so quickly?
Erin C.

I wanted to say that I absolutely love my "Pearl" and I love how Chris made her such a soft and realistic dappled grey, just how I had imagined! Chris was wonderful in keeping me informed of her progress-- it was a joy to work with Chris! Thank you again, Chris!
Kate C.

She just arrived and wow, I just can't contain my excitement! As always, pics just don't do her justice. Utterly adorable and worth every penny! I can't wait to get her in the show ring and show her off.
Thanks so much!

He turned out wonderful. I couldn't be happier!! You are such a true artist and you bring everything you touch to life, what a gift!
Thank you again!
John M.

OMG!!!!!!!! I'm just picking myself off the floor....she's STUNNING!!!! Thank you thank you thank you!!
Sandy L.

Just to let you know, Souix made it here safe and sound today. HOLY COW!! She's beautiful!!!! And so close to the reference photo!
Thank you so much for all your hard work on her.
Jackie M.

I LOVE him, LOVE him, LOVE him!!!! Thank you Chris! You did a spectacular job as I knew you would!! He is better than expected and I cannot wait to show him!! I love his blaze and his markings. You did a fantastic job!
I've had a name for him for quite some time and I think it fits. I'm going to call him Coronation. Because he's the new king of my herd.
--Tiffany B.

OMG! I love how you painted him! I just adore your bays and the way you painted his muzzle - I just love it!!! It's so good to see him finally completed too. Thank you so much for sharing your pictures of him.

Happy spring to you all! Allow me to introduce myself, I'm Wanda Eversberg, owner of the newly created Khemosabi portrait model. This has been a dream of mine that's been a long time coming...7 or eight years to be exact. :)
I missed out on the Khemo resin when it was first released, and had been waiting for one in my price range to come up for sale. This past March I had part of my dream come true...then came part two a few weeks later when I saw that Chris's books had opened, and I had a chance for her to paint my Khemo. As all of you well know, Chris needs no introduction as a premier artist in this hobby, and I have owned her work for years now. I knew she could 'deliver the goods' so to speak, and BOY did she ever. Khemo's coat just glows with life, and his overall presentation is true to his 'look of eagles' that I got to see in person several times during his lifetime.
He is now the premier piece in my collection, and will remain with me for the rest of my life. Thank You yet again Chris for making my dreams come true.
Wanda E.

I purchased your book a few months back and I wanted to let you know how much it has helped me. There is not a better resource out there!!!!

HOLY SMOKES! Her color is just awesome! We always say they look even better in person than they do in the photos, and that is no joke! She just looks spectacular! I couldn't be happier!
Thanks so much for painting her!
Jackie M.

I have to say I used your color formula in mixing colors for a chestnut yesterday and wow what a difference your method made... The shadow/highlight technique you talked about in your book was easy to understand with the photos...and I love the change using your techniques made in the end result in my paintwork. Thanks so much and have a wonderful day
Sandra H.

Wanted to publicly thank Chris for an amazing piece of art work!
just received my Scarlett Drafter Resin and she is absolutely perfect
and the art work is amazing. I couldn't be more pleased Chris and
can't wait to get her in the showring.
Thank you Chris! John M.

I think you are a dear friend to us all and a national treasure willing to share her "trade secrets". I know many are thankful for your sweet sharing spirit.
God bless ,

Chris - she turned out outstanding!! I can't thank you enough!!
John M.

Hello from Waddie's lucky owner! I absolutely love this sculpture, and I knew Chris was the one who needed to bring him to life! He is exactly the way I envisioned him, and I couldn't be happier. I can't wait to get him home, because I know he will be even better in person that he is in the photos! He will be a proud addition to my Beau Cheveaux herd!
Thanks so much, Chris, for sharing your talent with me yet again,
Jackie M.

The stars are telling you that Beautiful Noise is a fantastic work of art and is appreciated by many. You outdid yourself, but then again you do on everything you paint.
Well Done!
Julie P.

I've long admired your work and now you've absolutely outdone yourself with Foxy Ann. Stunning doesn't begin to describe her, I really have no words--and I can't stop looking at her picture!
Thank you for doing the work you do--it lifts my heart to see it!
Susan B.

WOW WOW WOW ~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You outdid yourself girl! That's just the way I envisioned him to be! And you followed
his pattern to a big TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT. I wish I had had him for the show last weekend.
Andrea R.

Suicide Blonde won both her breed (TB with lots of documentation about palomino and sabino in TB's) and a HUGE workmanship class----there were 4 3x8 foot tables full! They ended up splitting it standing/action---and there were still easily 35-40 horses in each. Then they did callbacks for champs, and a consensus among judges named her overall CM/AR/CG halter champion!!!!!
Beth R.

I just wanted to compliment you on this model and the impressive, way-too realistic paint jobs that you do on your model horses. Those models looked true to the realistic coloring of any and all live horses! I wasn’t quick enough to grab that model but hope to find another for sale here in the future. However, anyone that collects model horses and sells this model must be crazy or in dire straits need of funding.
Again, I just wanted to compliment you on your model and your impressive painting hobby!

THEY'RE HERE THEY'RE HERE THEY'RE HERE!!! Gaston and Lina made home safe and sound today! I know I've said this before, but I think I need to say it again... HOLY COW, CHRIS!
They are both just beautiful! Lina has to be the most AMAZING thing I have ever seen! I can't believe all the details you put into her paintjob! And Gaston is STUNNING! He came out better than I imagined he would. His color is *PERFECT*.
Thank you SO much!
Take care,
Jackie M.

Khoda got here yesterday, but I couldn't pick him up until today. And I LOVE him!! Oh my, he is just so beautiful! I am really glad I got him even if it did hurt my poor credit card.
Now onto the shows!!!
Thanks sooooo much!
Danielle M.

WOW! You did such a cool job with his paintwork! I quick put up one of the pics on the site and put his name in fancy text. I hope that's OK and that you like it! Just let me know. I'd like to add another one, but I'm in a hurry this morning so that's all I can fit in for now, but I couldn't wait to add him to the site. He is so COOL!
Thank you
Deborah M,

I am the lucky girl who gets to have this wondermule come live with me! Thank you, Chris, for making her come to life! This golden girl will be a treasured member of my Adamsville longears collection and will be known as "Adamsville Sarah". This is a color I have rarely seen in model form and I think Chris did a really first class job of reproducing it from the photos. I am looking forward to showing her!
Kate C.

Wow, Chris, she's absolutely stunning! I'm so happy with her, I just can't tell you! Thank you SO much!
Take care,
(otherwise known as another satisfied customer)

She is absolutely perfect Chris. Exactly as I envisioned her! I can't wait to show her this weekend. Her name is Firestorm, for her color, not for her disposition! Thanks so much for this lovely girl!
Vicky N.

You are so talented Chris. I think your work is amazing
and you are able to capture the movement, the colour,
and the spirit of all the beautiful ponies and horses that
you spend many hours working on.
May your art work carry on for many many years !!!
Take care and kind wishes,

I finally got a chance to read your book cover to cover, so wanted to take a minute to thank you for putting it together.
It's very well done and I'm most appreciative for the good, clear photos!
Jeannine D.

I completely agree with Carole, Chris, you definitely are a God-send! I tried acrylics first (before I got your book), and I couldn't stand them! They dried way too quickly for my slow-going self... it wasn't a pretty sight...
Your book actually made me re-consider the whole painting thing again, and this time, with oils! I was a little afraid at first, but your book said to just go for it and that anything I messed up could be fixed! And, guess what?! YOU WERE RIGHT!
So, a very heartfelt THANK YOU! again, for sharing your knowledge and "been-there-don't-do-that-do-this" wisdom with all of us!
We will never find the words to thank you completely!
~Sara B.

Thank ya teacher!! I feel much better knowing it's a big improvement over the acrylic paint. I absolutely struggled with blending [before the paint dried].
And you are a GOD send for all of us art lovers. Like you mentioned in your book about "trade secrets"...I wrote to an ebay seller [she is big time] and commented on her great looking unicorn eyes. Asked how she did guessed it. Said it took her a while to get that look and she was not sharing it. I love your sharing / caring spirit Chris. You are not just selling books, you are involved with our growth and that is truly a blessing for all.
Big hug,

Just want to let you know, that I had picked up my Valor this morning from the Customers.
Thanks so much for this
lovely Model! He is gorgeous! Thanks too for the very good package. He enjoy his new home here in Bavaria and
his name is now " Golden Boy".
Thanks again for another great Model. Hope, we can work together in the future again!
All the best.
Your friend,

Oh my Lord....Chris he is amazing!!!!! Big Red is right. LOL - He looks
beautiful; I can't wait to see him in person. His head shot is
incredible. AAAAHHHHH....I'm so excited. He's been one of my favorite molds and I've been dying to get him painted. Thank you (jumping up & down)
Nikki C.

The resins are gorgeous! Thank you for such great jobs! They both look much more impressive than they did in the photos... No offense meant towards your photography-but the both really are amazing in person!!
Jim and I think the palomino Whiplash is stunning as an App, and Lonestar came out just the way we hoped he would. LS can go so many ways, but should be especially stunning as a Native American horse.
Anyway, we love the paint jobs, and hope to take some photos of the boys in natural light for you soon. Everything about them is perfect... Their eyes are so deep and beautiful...just the kind I love to fall into! Super work, Chris! Thank you very much!
God Bless!
Laurie R.

I picked him up yesterday from the post office and haven't had a chance to open him until today. He is beautiful. Just the way I envisioned him. Your pictures were excellent and the color is fabulous.
Three of my friends came by today and I had him displayed on the entertainment center. Each one made a comment about him and none of them are horse people. I am so pleased with him. May be one day I'll be able to get to Breyerfest and might meet you some day. I will be sending more business your way. Thank you for a wonderful treasure.

I just received your new book in the mail today; I feel like a kid at Christmas! I just opened it up and flipped through it, and I have a feeling that I know how I'm going to spend the rest of my day, reading cover to cover! I suspect that just this once, the laundry, the dishes, and the cooking of dinner can wait!
Thank you again Chris, and also, thank you SO much for writing these books in the first place and sharing all your knowledge; they are so very helpful to those of us who are just bumbling along and trying to figure out how to turn our poor bland white ponies into works of art! I'm certain TSIII has saved me years of learning from my mistakes!
Thank you again!!!
~Melissa E.

I just wanted to let you know that the book I ordered from you arrived today, and I CAN"T WAIT to sit down and go through it! All I can say is WOW!!!! I'm so excited, I might go blow my budget and go buy all kinds of stuff this weekend!
Thanks a bunch and Thank You for sharing your "trade secrets" with us mere mortals!
Take care,
Ruth N.

I wanted to email to say that I am so in love with your Noble Aristocrat
resin and have been ever since he first stepped into the spotlight but could never just find the right one (paint wise for me) that just grabbed my attention.
That was until this summer (June) when I saw the one Kathy McKenzie painted and had on the MH$P. This horse just begged me to purchase him and bring him home to St.Louis.
It's extremely rare for me to purchase large scale resins but I knew that if I didn't try for him I'd would regret it for the rest of my born days. I can honestly say that he's the Priimer Piece" of my model horse collection and will be heading to his first live show in May of 2007. I already have him started on his photo show career.
I just had to thank you for creating and offering this horse to the model
horse hobby an I'm so proud to be an owner..finally.. of one of your resin
Thanks for your time~
Irene C.

*GASP* Chris! My first reaction to seeing her was - after finding my breath again - to shout "OH MY GAWD"! My Husband came running into the room asking what the matter was! She is BEYOND GORGEOUS!!! Wow! You did such an AWESOME job on her I can't get over it!
I know she'll sell quickly for you! I agree with you! This little lady is going to GO places! GOD,IS SHE GORGEOUS!
~Jenn I.

I think, I have not yet wrote you - I just visited your website and thought I would like to write you once. Since a longer time I am a (proud) owner of a wonderful palomino "Raven" resin by Randy Buckler that had been painted by you - and I just love this guy! You gave him an amazing, wonderful paint job - he is such a looker! He does always so well in the photo shows I participate (live shows are - unfortunately - a little rare here in Switzerland). But of course I also just love him when he stands in my show case, in the middle of my Paso herd... So I just thought, to tell you today that I still just love this boy and that I really adore your paint job(s)!
With lots of greetings from Switzerland!
Andréa B.

I'm usually just a lurker here, and I've learned quite a bit that
way, but I just feel the need to speak up this time. I just have to
say that your willingness to take time out of your very busy work schedule to help out all us new-comers to the hobby is so very generous that it brings tears to my eyes! We all know that this being a small and very competitive hobby, some folks can feel threatened by new talent and can say some very cruel things at times. It doesn't take much to shoot us down when we are unsure of ourselves and looking for approval.
Also, when we first start out, we are so full of enthusiasim and
excitement, we can fire out those questions at light speed! You
are always patient and understanding. I have tons of books , but there is nothing that can take the place of one on one advice.
I just can't say it enough. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!
Carla M.

I wanted to write you and tell you thank you for making a wonderful Arabian resin. I, by fate of chance, got a Romantz resin painted and haired a lovely bay tobiano by Faye Cohen. She is performing outstanding for me in almost every show she is in. Already receiving Legion of Merit award in English and Western Performance, Halter and Most Classic Head. I took her to two live shows and got NAN cards in both, in Western Pleasure on tack I made for her. I know I didn’t purchase from you, but wanted to let you know that you have more happy customers out there.
Heather G.

Thank You..and for all your help and support you have given us all through the years, you are indeed one of the shining stars in this hobby, and always have such a big heart, and helpful presence.
Thank you so much!
Deb L.

Galante did arrive yesterday, but no one told me until today. He is PHENOMENAL! Honestly, his shading, and the detailing of his mouth and eyes is absolutely, stunningly realistic. I also love the extension of his tail. I sure wish he had a NAN card and could have gone to NAN because I think he would beat anything on the table.
THANK YOU so much! He is a treasure, and is one I will always keep.
Thanks again, I am just ecstatic!
Marie M.

I've just discovered your site through the Breyer site and your creations are brilliant. It was a pleasure looking around your site at your paintings and at your real ponies. Thank you for such a wonderful site and for your wonderful creations.

Thank you for the book. I received it a couple of days ago, and I have read it right through. Excellent!
I feel quite inspired now - can't wait to get to it. I think it is great value.
Jane A.

This has to be MY DAY! What can I tell you ???????????????? The guys are FANTASTIC !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am totally in awe here and have square eyes, looking at the pix all the time...
I love them so... the work and detail on these is simply outrageous !!!!!!!!!!! I somehow felt they would look awesome in those colors... Titus looks real and the color suits him so well !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I love his head, expression and details so much...
Well, I feel like I won in the lottery...
You are SO THE BEST !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
BIG HUG to you... you are SO THE BEST.... I will need some time to recover, for sure...

Thank you so much for the prompt processing and shipping. I just wanted to let you know the book arrived today, and after skimming through it (I'm at work so no time yet to peruse at my leisure!) I am very eager to read it page by page. Thank you SO much for providing this incredible resource. I started "dabbling" in model horse customizing about three years ago, and have had to learn what little I know by trial and error. Bless you for making this information available!
Thanks again,
Melissa W.

Thanks so much, Chris, for bringing my Hackney pair to life! They are
BEAUTIFUL to say the very least and will make a really smashing
combination for all of my future driving needs!
If all goes well from here, these guys will make their performance debut on Saturday at Granite State Live Show in NH! Chris has gone to great lengths to put the finishing touches on them since she found out about the possibility that they might be able to hit the ring this weekend. I cannot thank you enough for going that extra mile for me, Chris!
Watch for Milestone Dante and Milestone Virgil at future New England shows and then, with hope, on to NAN in Lexington in 2006!
Tickled pink,
Kate C.

He is SO COOL!!!!!!!!!! I love that his eyewhite is pink! And all the individual hair mapping--I'm speechless! I love his color, and the shading is great too. And I love the way the mane and tail hairs end where they contact his leg and shoulder.
Thanks again--I cannot wait to get him out there to the shows!
Take care!
Beth R.

I had to let you know how much I am enjoying my Infinity! I have
bought and sold some horses since then, but she will always be my
favorite. Others may come and go, but "Sky's the Limit" will stay
forever on my mantel!! You are a gifted artist, and your work is
Thank you,
Patricia M.

Pregnant Pause arrived today. She is adorable! Perfect in every way.
Thank you so much, and have a great weekend!

Beau Cheveaux is truly the TOP level of workmanship on a simple resin or plastic... It is amazing to see the finished piece - SUCH a
difference... No wonder I consider BC my FAVORITE painter and
finisher... I AM saving for a couple paint jobs for this year... Not cheap but it is like buying a VanGogh or a Picasso within the artistry of our hobby...
I know why I am a PROUD owner of 3 BC pieces.
You are SO GRAND Chris !!!

Oh, wow, he is gorgeous! Esp. that head shot!!!!! Thank YOU! He looks great!!!
Sarah R.

All I can say is WOW!!! He is so gorgeous! Thank you SO much! And did you know that you signed him on my birthday???

You did it again... I get tears in my eyes when I see such photos... The pieces are simply FABULOUS and the horses look real and breathing !!!
Even little stars are there in the eyes, from the flash probably... They look truly alive…
I can only remain amazed and in total wonder and
admiration, hoping to have enough funds some day to
buy something from you or commission something when
you reopen your books...
Have a great day and keep the pix coming...
Aristocrat is truly FANTASTIC - what a noble guy !!!
Love to you, and God bless.
Your Swiss friend,

I took Bold Sidney (grullo Fancy Enuff) to the Kitty's No Snow Show, and
he took 1st out of 18 in the Artist Custom Other Pony class as a miniature horse, NAN qualifying, then went on to win Artist Custom Pony Division Reserve Champ! The judge couldn't say enough nice things about his colour and paint job!
Thanks for painting and sculpting such a lovely boy for me!
Terrie S.

My name is Krista W. My mom bought a Cremello Cowboy Cameo from you for me for Christmas. I just wanted to write you and tell you how much I love her. She looks just like my mare Pearl, and she has THE most realistic blue eyes I have ever seen. I'm going to use her as a display head for selling my tack at shows. I hope to be able to buy one or two more at some point - but for now, I just adore this one.
Thanks so much!

I can tell you honestly : it is RARE that a piece looks BETTER than
what you see in the internet... It is ALWAYS the case with YOUR
work... So far I have almost fainted each time I have gotten one of
your pieces... You DO NOT see the detail on the photos - but in my opinion already the photos look so FANTASTIC !!!!!! It is really something you have
to experience : getting a Beau Cheveaux !!!!!!!
Take care. Your friend,

Last year at the Jamboree in Pomona, I met Erin Moss who was going
back to school and selling some of her models. I purchased Toi with Me,
a PS Arab painted into a stunning beautiful bay and white pinto NSH on your website under Archives CM Factory.
This horse is absolutely amazing. I showed him last weekend for the first time at a live show Gold Country Live in Auburn, Calif., and he won first in CM NSH, he won his division, and he was CM grand champion of the show!
If he didn't have a name, I would probably have named him "Just
Perfect" because he is just perfect in every way. Thank you for painting
such a spectacular model and keep up the great work!
--Sue P.

I have purchased your Trade Secrets III book and it has been extremely helpful. I also want to thank you for talking about oil paint in there,
as it has been a blessing. This I found to be the most wonderful paint to
use, mainly because when you are a beginner, it lets you mess up and correct before it is too late, but also because it is so much nicer and thiner (and longer to do) than Acrylic.
Again, your book has been the best investment I ever made. Thanks!
Tania V.

Beau Cheveaux must create the most incredible resin sculptures in the
industry. Every time I come back to this website I see more and more incredible pieces. The horses depicted here are clearly not just "breed studies" as seen in many other artists' work, but personality and passion, frozen in time. In a pose or with an expression that says to the onlooker, "I am not a sculpture, I am alive and precious." Just like our own horses, past, present and future - those that we have had the chance to spend time with, and those we fantasize about - such as the glorious Friesian, or the mighty (gasp and
swoon! WHATTAMODEL!!) Pegasus.
I respect and cherish your amazing artistic ability and look to your work
for inspiration and guidance in my own career in the Equine art field.
Bless you and Be Lucky!!
+ K +

Oh what a MAGNIFICENT horse this is !!! I just cannot believe what I have bought there ! You were so right Chris, about the photos : they truly do not do him ANY justice at all !!!
How delicate he is and what meticulous and awesome paintjob this is !!! You can "see" the accuracy, detail and love that has been put on him !!! My word!!! I cannot thank you enough for having done him for me,
Chris !!! He is just OUT OF THIS WORLD FOR SURE !!! One of my "holy grails", no doubt !!!
I just have to tell you that your work is OUTSTANDING!!!!!!! Yesterday I got a resin from one much renowned artist, who is very popular and has much success. The piece is BEAUTIFUL but there are WORLDS and even
GALAXIES between the quality of it and the quality of your work !!!
I just wanted to tell you that I worship and praise your work !!! What a DIFFERENCE !!! My sincere compliments for your OUTSTANDING work !!!

Hee, hee, hee!! I just opened my box from Chris and inside was the seal bay First Class resin she just completed!!
Chris, thank you so much! This little guy is absolutely adorable and I am thrilled with him. I loved this resin's attitude from the day I first laid eyes on him and the super paintjob you garbed him with just makes him that much more haughty. He is such a snootie-poot!!
Thanks again for offering him up for sale and for such a fast shipping turnaround too. He looks great beside the rest of my "Nandells" and I can't wait to start him out on his showing career.
Kudos and heartfelt thanks,
Angela M.

I got my model the other day. Awsome, the pictures you sent do not do
him justice. I already did a photo shoot, they came out impressive.
Thanks so much, I have a couple other customs, but you top them. Now I
know why you are a revered Icon in the hobby. Thanks, thanks,
thanks.....(I don't mean to make you sick with all this sweetness, but
you deserve it.

I purchased your book and I find it to be very helpful. It is very true that
most people are not willing to help others down the path. I found your
writing and instructions to be clear and easy to follow. Although I am
a new comer in the model horse business, I am very familiar with intricate details, and love it! Love the book!
Sissie C.

Hi! My name's Rose, I live in Fairfield, Iowa. I don't really have
anything to say except that I *love* your work! I especially like the
paint LJJ resin on your for sale page, he's cute! I can't buy anything,
because I'm 14, and my mom wouldn't like to know that I spend that much on model horses when I have my real ones! All of your work is fabulous, so keep it up!
Rose D.

I bought the blue roan C. Marie resin from you recently. She went to her first live show this past weekend and I thought you'd like to hear how she did. She was shown as a Swedish Ardennes mare. She took 2nd in the CM Other Draft class (11 entries) then went on to take Reserve Champ CM Draft! I was so proud of her. Thought you'd like to know how she did.
Take care,

I just had to write to tell you thank you for writing Trade Secrets III
and I want to thank you for being such a wonderful role model in the hobby and for your kindness and help.
Jaci H.

I bought some back issues of the British hobby magazine 'Horsing Around' recently, including an old issue from November/December
1997. You were featured in a column called 'The Who's Who Guide'. I
remember reading it and thinking, "what a lovely lady". The bit which
stuck in my mind most particularly, was when you were explaining about your TradeSecrets book, and why you'd produced it. And you are absolutely right, people *should* help each other out where they can. Not just with regard to the model horse hobby, but in all areas of life. I am a firm believer that ‘you get what you give', and that it's good to share! I'm currently toying with the idea of trying my hand at sculpting/customizing myself, so once I've plucked up the courage I may well be purchasing a copy of your 'Trade Secrets' at some point in the future .
J Knight.

I just finished my first horse in oils, following your Trade Secrets book
and he is amazing! Thank you for sharing your knowledge! I was wondering if I can name him Trade Secrets. I know the book is copyrighted so I thought I needed to ask you.
Thanks again for a wonderful book!
Cassie B.

I received your book today and it is fabulous!!! Although I haven't had a
chance to read it cover to cover, it far surpasses what I expected.
Thanks for such prompt shipping and creating such an informative book.

I just wanted to let you know that my American Beauty
artist proof that I bought at AS 98, is the joy of my show string. He is
always in the ribbons, he has NAN qualified so many times I can't keep up with them, and he is soooo versitile. I love him! Thank You! I thought of you when you opened your books again, if anyone wants proof of the
results of you me!
You are a true artist!
Heather M.

My new found friend, Beverly E., has given me your address and web
site addresses. How exciting to find you! I had stumbled across her web page with Breyer Horse information on it and wrote to her to see what
information she could give me regarding a statue I have. She apparently
wrote to you and you mentioned it was fine I write.
I was at the American Royal showing my 3/4 Arabian Gelding in 1984 and came across a booth you had there. I fell madly in love with a statue there on your table and did chores for everyone I knew all weekend on top of my classes to earn the money to buy it. It was the Sham statue (and has the wheat ear - as I was told by Beverly) but you personally had painted it a dapple grey with a blaze and three white socks. It has your signature on the bottom - Chris Cook 10-22-84. Rich Rudish, the designer of the statue was also there and a family friend as well. I had him sign it along with the other Sham I brought from home that I had. I was in love with this statue then and am still in love with it now. I have always wanted to get into working with the statues. You gave me a big education those few days I was there - I still remember those things. But the real horse hobby prevails
I would so much enjoy hearing what you would have to say about it and
should you find the time, I would love to hear any information. You are
still doing fantastic work - from what I saw on your page. May you have
happy trails ever forward.

Thank you for your post Chris! I remember one of my first Breyerfests,
and the first Artisan's Gallery I think, I watched you paint a horse in
oils. I realized, "hey, I can do that!!" It is so fun now for me to paint, even though I don't have the kind of time I'd like to put to it. You sat there and demo'd for quite a while, answering questions and were so encouraging to everyone. I was enthralled. So thanks back to you for being so generous and helpful!!
Kathy C.

I have seen such kindness and comraderie with everyone giving and learning, you have done a good thing. If I never attempt to do any custom work, I thank you for sharing your knowledge so kindly. I enjoy reading and learning what everyone has to say. Please, keep up the good work!
Thanks so much!
Cindy L.

I too have been a silent member of this list for almost a year;
since arriving home from my first Breyerfest last year! I am
listening and learning so much! I'm not yet ready to post pictures,
but I always experiment with the "secrets" that you share with us.
I see my work improving little by little. It would have taken me
years to figure out the techniques that you have been so kind in
sharing with us. I know it takes a lot of time from your busy
schedule to moderate and reply to the posts of this list, but I
think I can speak for all of us in saying a big, heartfelt Thanks!
for all you do.
Also, your book has had more value to me than you can ever know. It is such a joy to have your experience at my fingertips right when it is most needed. Your book is what gave me the confidence to try customizing; I don't believe I would have ever started without it.
Once again, thanks.
Carla M.

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©2016 Chris Flint